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Thermal analysis by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

The module looks DSC and its application in measurement of thermal transitions in samples. It also provides a visual guide to the operation of a typical differential scanning calorimeter.

  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry, its principle and its applications

  • Basic information about phase transitions, heat capacity, endothermic and exothermic events

  • Thermal phase transitions as measured by DSC

  • Measurement of heat capacity

  • Potential sources of error in measurement

  • Components of differential scanning calorimeter

  • Sample preparation and sample loading

  • Operation of a DSC instrument and analysis of DSC thermograms

  • Best practices and precautions while performing differential scanning calorimtry

Why it matters

DSC is used to evaluate the stability of protein folding and unfolding events\, to characterize products\, determine crystallization and melting temperatures\, and phase transition energies of inorganic compounds. It provides information on sample purity\, properties\, and composition. It can also determine presence of polymorphs and exothermic decomposition of the sample. Understanding DSC is crucial for analysis to complete their tests and experiments correctly.

Who is it for

Personnel in production\, analytical quality\, including quality control and quality assurance who use this technique should complete this module.

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