Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and its Applications
This eLearning module is a comprehensive review of IR spectroscopy - used for identification of molecules by utilizing their vibrational properties.
Spectroscopy and electromagnetic spectrum
Infrared spectral regions and the introduction to infrared rays
Principle of IR spectroscopy and a typical IR spectrum
Molecular vibrations with examples of spectral analysis of a couple of molecules
FT-IR spectrophotometer and how it is different from dispersion spectrometer
IR detectors and interferometer
Potassium Bromide (KBr) pellet method for sample preparation and analysis
Solid vs Liquid sample preparation
Recording IR spectrum using ATR accessory
Critical parameters to control when performing FT-IR spectroscopy
Why it matters
The IR spectrum\, based on transmittance serves as a fingerprint of a molecule. No two organic compounds have the same infrared spectrum\, IR spectrum provides the most conclusive evidence of the identity of the substance. Understanding the science behind of FT-IR It is crucial for analysts for operating a sprectrometer and interpreting the results correctly.
Who is it for
All employees in analytical quality teams including quality control and quality assurance\, who are involved in performing and reviewing this method