An Interactive Guide to Good Warehouse Practice
This exhaustive eLearning module on Good Warehousing practices gets you into the warehouse to investigate what works and what does not.
Essentials of a Good Warehouse
How to handle inflammable material (cartoon micronugget)
How to handle expired/stagnant stock (cartoon micronugget)
GST sales within and outside organization
Inventory Management
Essentials of a Good Warehouse
How to handle inflammable material (cartoon micronugget)
How to handle expired/stagnant stock (cartoon micronugget)
GST sales within and outside organization
Inventory Management
Why it matters
Good Warehousing is intricately tied to the company’s bottom line. Additionally\, well prepared employees are required to handle expired\, stagnant\, and dangerous stock. Mishandling these can result in serious safety violations.
Who is it for
This is essential learning for all employees involved in supply chain and inventory management. It is also required for team members in QA\, and IT support.