Permit to Work (PTW) and Maintaining a Safe Workplace
This eLearning module answers when and why a PTW is needed in pharmaceutical set-ups. It also looks at and how PTW helps mitigate risks at the workplace., and typical procedures to be followed to raise a PTW.
Importance of permit to work system
Defining non-routine tasks with examples
Defining high and low risk activities with examples
Role of PTW in risk mitigation
Hierarchy of controls
PTW system failure incident and learnings
Typical permit to work form
Disintegration testing apparatus A and B
Typical framework of a PTW system at any organization including timings, approvals and permit types
Permit to work life cycle including request, approval, extension, cancellation and restoration
Animation: PTW approval process
Who is it for
This course is mandatory for all employees, vendors and contractors, executing non routine work at a pharmaceutical facility.
Why it matters
The root cause of many accidents at pharmaceutical facilities is non-compliance with permitted conditions. Having a PTW system in place ensures that there is a high level of control and appropriate and timely communication between all involved parties minimizing risks. Getting trained in the nuances around PTW is essential for a safe workplace.